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Mortal Kombat Fight Game

The game won't show fully while using google chrome But if use FIREFOX it will show the whole game so you can still play this game thank you.

To control Liu use the "arrow" keys, and "up" is to jump,
To punch press the "a" key,
To side kick press the "s" key,
To do a back kick press the "d" key.

Liu has to collect the stars to kill the enemy ninja's and their evil bosses,
Also the stars help you knock down walls, but the stars will only throw towards the right hand side.

Liu's kicks and punches can knock down walls while hitting them, But you cannot kill the ninja's or their evil bosses that way,
Liu has to watch out for holes and lava in the ground as it will lose him a life or burn him alive.

Cheat Tip:
The best thing to do is to get as many stars at the first collection heap of stars, and to build them up by going back and forth till they get to about 90 to 100 stars to get through each level.

Hope you enjoy playing this great game, and please don't forget to vote for me "retrotech"

7406 views / 24 in the last 7 days

4 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source

open in greenfoot

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This scenarios uses Java features that are not available for use after conversion to HTML 5. Please try the legacy version, which requires the Java plugin to be installed.

A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Nov 14 00:26:09 UTC 2011 Added some new fun sounds to the game please enjoy.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Nov 14 00:34:46 UTC 2011 Added some new sounds enjoy.


Looking pretty good so far. Couple things, I had to slow down the execution speed because how fast it was trying to run. There seems to be quite a bit of lag in the animation. Plus things spawn again too quickly. Don't seem to be able to throw throwing stars in the left direction. Also the 'a' and 's' attacks don't seem to do anything as the opponents instantly daze you if you are too close. However I think it's a great start and I really like demolishing through the walls =)


I have it running on 64 bit laptop and works perfectly so it must be that, yes the attack is only for the walls though, and your right the stars only go one way as i'm still trying to figure out how to do it the other way, i might try to change it in future the attack to the ninja's aswell, thanks for the comments.



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