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To play:
1. Hit run
2. Place your ships anywhere in your grid. (double-click to rotate)
3. Click Start
4. Play!
It currently doesn't tell you when you win/lose, so if there are 17 red pegs on a grid then its all good:)
To come:
- Fix bug in rotation: If you place a ship out and then rotate it, it can go off the grid or over anohter ship
- Fix ghost spots on even-length ships: When you drag them out, the ghost spot can mess you up
- Fix the off-screen boats bug: Vertical boats can go off the bottom of the screen
- Make it look better (more graphically appealing)
- Tell you when you win
*DONE!* Code computer to know when it hits a boat and go around until it finds the rest of the ship -- "Smart Computer"
There are still bugs with the smart computer, such as if a spot is taken when they switch directions, etc. These will be sorted out later.
Note that the boat placement issues are Player-Only issues. These have been sorted through the computer's code as they have specific rules. Player controlled actions can get around this though.
Any other bugs/suggestions will be put here as they are found.
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