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Can you destroy all the Greenfoot aliens?
press: arrow keys for left and right.
space to fire.
"s" to shield.
and "w" for side bombs.
there are several upgrades that are dropped from aliens when they are destroyed, such as:
red upgrades give you invincibility for a short period of time.
yellow upgrades let you fire three lasers at the same time.
blue upgrades increase your maximum shield level to 200 instead of 100.
kill red and yellow foot aliens first.
avoid asteroids.
Greenfoot aliens are normal.
Redfoot aliens are dive bombers!
Yelowfoot aliens are mega-bombers!
updated: lives and shields.
updated: added upgrades - which can appear when an alien is destroyed.
yellow upgrade for improved lasers;
red upgrades for invincibility.
blue upgrades maximum shield level to 200.
updated: inproved collision detection.
updated: changed map size.
updated: divebombers more likely to dive.
updated: when shot, asteroids now split in two.
updated: fixed ropck image
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