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Kuiske presents ...


Marble Dodger

Move with the arrow keys and try to dodge the rocks for as long as you can.

Side note: This is my first attempt at a game so its fairly simple. I would much appreciate it if you could leave some helpful advice and criticisms as I am new to programming.

2932 views / 10 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source

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You could add a scoring scheme to it (maybe a point for each 10 act cycles survived, or something like that). You might want to slow the rocks down a bit to start and as the score increases, slowly increment the speed of the rocks to make it harder.


Thanks for the feed back. I'll be adding a score system based on the amount of time you have survived. I was also thinking of adding a new rock into the game every minute you survived and perhaps increasing the speed of the rocks once a certain amount of rocks were added to the game. I was also planning on adding a sound track and a pause function to the game.


One more thing: you are adding the rocks into the world at random locations (which is fine), but it would be good the make sure that one does not start at (or intersecting) the marble (or even close and moving toward -- which would be harder to check for). The best way is probably to start the rocks near the edges of the world. Maybe something like [code]int rockX = (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getWidth() - 200) + getWidth() / 2 + 100) % getWidth(); int rockY = (Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(getHeight() - 200) + getHeight() / 2 + 100) % getHeight(); addObject(new Rock(), rockX, rockY);[/code]
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 08 03:10:46 UTC 2012 New Spawn system (credit goes to danpost for helping me with it). Also added a scoring system.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 08 03:11:51 UTC 2012 New Spawn system (credit goes to danpost for helping me with it). Also added a scoring system. Forgot to add sorce code :P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 09 01:07:15 UTC 2012 Added a rock for extra difficulty and now when you hit the gameover screen a voice will say "gameover."


Like it was not difficult before oo/
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Feb 10 01:11:10 UTC 2012 Added difficulty settings. Press 1 for easy, 2 for medium, and 3 for hard.


511! :) Could'a done better. OO, I cheated! :( @kuiske, see my first post? it says 'a point for each 10 act cycles survived'. How did I score so well, you might ask? I did not start the scenario right away (worked on a very hard sudoku puzzle -- not done yet). Anyways, using the system clock to score with is not a good thing. The game can be initialized, but not started (or paused) and the clock keeps going!

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