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Click on factors of 2 for level 1. Then move on to factors of 3 and up.

1997 views / 4 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game with-source

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This is still fairly basic. Hopefully I will be able add some music and some more information on the bottom soon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Feb 13 22:58:29 UTC 2012 Changed the background and some font coloring.


Does it only go up to factors of six? It would continue past that Level 1: factors of: 6.


I meant it would NOT continue past Level 1: factors of: 6.


Maybe it was level 5. Anyways, tried again, got to Level 38 Factors of 39, there were no zeros and no 39s on the board. Could use a score system (maybe by time with real timer [not act counter]) and deductions for wrong clicks, and then a game over screen after level 38. Also make sure there is always at least one factor per level.


Hope it helps! It didn't move up, from level 6: factors of 7, to level 7: factors of 8.


Thank you for all the help!! I will fix those things and upload a new version soon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 15 15:05:41 UTC 2012 Made the game stop at level 10. You can miss 3 times but I haven't displayed that part yet. I still need to add a timer and a Game over screen. I also made sure there are at least 3 multiples on there.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 15 18:21:26 UTC 2012 Made the game stop at level 10. You can miss 3 times but I haven't displayed that part yet. I still need to add a timer and a Game over screen. I also made sure there are at least 3 multiples on there.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Feb 15 20:56:47 UTC 2012 Added a Game Over for after level 10. or for 3 mistakes.

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