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Petunjuk Memainkan :
Pencet anak panah kanan, kiri, atas dan bawah untuk jalannya pesawat. Menembak tekan spasi Mengeluarkan Rudal tekan enter, Nyawa anda 3. Tembak sebanyak mungkin pesawat musuh dan skor anda akan bertambah. SELAMAT BERTARUNG ! !

Playing Instructions: Click on the arrows right, left, up and down to the way the plane. Press the space bar to shoot Removing the missile hit enter, Your life 3. Shoot as many enemy planes and your score will increase. GOOD fight! !

3480 views / 12 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation smkn 5 solo

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 16 04:39:36 UTC 2012 Petunjuk Memainkan : Pencet anak panah kanan, kiri, atas dan bawah untuk jalannya pesawat. Menembak tekan spasi Mengeluarkan Rudal tekan enter, Nyawa anda 3. Tembak sebanyak mungkin pesawat musuh dan skor anda akan bertambah. SELAMAT BERTARUNG ! ! Playing Instructions: Click on the arrows right, left, up and down to the way the plane. Press the space bar to shoot Removing the missile hit enter, Your life 3. Shoot as many enemy planes and your score will increase. GOOD fight! !
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 16 04:53:19 UTC 2012


bro ane bisa minta source codenya g??

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