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Markin2000 presents ...


Astroids Are Here!

Get the highest level, the most score.
With each level that you destroy all asteroids that plague us.

Keys are:
A. Right and Left to turn.
Two. Up to increase speed. Down to stop.
Three. Space to shoot.
Four. Enter to release ProtonWave.

You have unlimited ammo,
There is a time of 500 acts between ProtonWaves.

If the asteroid hits you, you die.
You destroy an asteroid with shots or ProtonWave.
When you destroy all the asteroids in the world, You board a level, and need to press the Run button again, only that the next level, will be harder.

3580 views / 11 in the last 7 days

3 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game

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משחק מעולה! לא אהבתי את העצירה בין השלבים.אתה יכול פשוט לעשות השעיה


good updates to the game. I liked the levels addition and the time to release proton wave. The proton wave is too strong and too frequent to my opinion. the game can be easier if you use only proton wave. I recommend you to find a way to make ir weaker.


nice game! if you release proton wave and going forward at the same time the game is getting slower i suggest you to make sure you don't write to many things in public act

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