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A breakout clone.
In case you don't know the target is to break all bricks to get to the next level. Grey bricks will take 3 hits until breaking. Brown bricks won't break. When breaking bricks items will fall down - pick them up by letting them fall on your paddle. Green items help you, red ones damage you. Don't let the ball fall down!
Keyboard - left and right arrows move the paddle, space will release the ball (and shoot if you happen to pick up that bonus item)
Mouse - moving the mouse will move the paddle, clicking will release the ball (and shoot as described above).

Hit enter while playing to pause the game (regardless of controlling with mouse or keyboard).

When playing with 2 players the first player (the top paddle) will move using the controls you chose. The second player (the bottom paddle) will move with the remaining control scheme.

"Create own" will bring you to the level editor. Click the bricks on the right side and then click anywhere on the left side to place a brick of that color at that position. In case there already is a brick on that position the bricks will be replaced. Just clicking a brick on the left side will remove that brick (without replacing it with another one).
You can save your level for later use as long as you are logged in to Right now you're limited to one level because the UserInfo class allows me to store 5 strings with 50 characters for each player. But one level takes up the space of at least 200 characters meaning that I need to use all 5 strings to save just one level.

There are 100 levels to beat. This could take you a while - have fun!

14508 views / 45 in the last 7 days

16 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game with-source breakout keyboard brick breaker arkanoid

This scenario is a member of: Breakout

open in greenfoot

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Aug 16 08:27:05 UTC 2012 Fixes a bug causing the ball to "hug" the wall (thanks to danpost). Fixes another bug causing the paddle to stay stucked when collecting an enlarge bonus close to the world edges.


@danpost Thank you, I used that method and didn't get problems with the ball anymore! For your second problem, I already had that random change in direction built into the game. I made it a little bit less infrequent now, so it should not take so long until the ball comes out of a hopeless situation.


echt sau cool und gut codiert


aber wie kriegt man diese gute phusik hin?


Schau doch in den Quelltext (Klasse Ball). Die Physik dahinter ist nun wirklich nichts großartiges - Einfallswinkel gleich Ausfallswinkel. Das ist keine große Berechnung.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Sep 19 09:53:10 UTC 2012 You can now mute the sounds by pressing m.


ja aber ich kann diesen Code nicht schreiben


Dann kopiere ihn dir aus der Klasse heraus? Ich kann (bzw. will) dir nicht deine Szenarien programmieren.


ich weiß.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 01 09:11:57 UTC 2013 First update in a long time. After losing all your lives you'll get a password. In the menu screen (under "Go To") you can enter this password to resume the game at this level.

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