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CristianoBoy presents ...


Worlds Hardest Game By CC

My version of the worlds hardest game.

Can you reach level 6 ?
Yes ? Leave a comment !
Who will be the first ?

w,a,s,d to control player.

Now you can play a level till you manage to win.

Enjoy and don't get too frustrated.

(I updated a new level.)

(Bugs or suggestions for improvements ? Leave a comment or

8169 views / 24 in the last 7 days

3 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game demo with-source gymnasium goethe boy worlds caeiro hardest cristiano

This scenario is a member of: Goethe-Gymnasium, Hamburg

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Best game 4ever in greenfoot !!! <333333 *-* love it :****
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jun 03 10:24:12 UTC 2012 Now publishing Source Code
Could you make it so that you can keep on trying to beat the level without starting the entire game again?


i am working on it. an update should be out soon.


Very cool! Too bad I really suck at this game :p One suggestion: you coul include some player perks, like slow motion, or freeze time, wall hack and stuff like that to introduce some variety and fun. Keep at it! Looking forward to see the final version! :)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jun 08 23:06:19 UTC 2012
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jun 12 22:12:11 UTC 2012 When you die, you can try the level again. New Level (6)


update is out.


Super cool! I made it all the way to level 6! Be prepared for a surprise on the last level! :D

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