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Zerg presents ...


Render Engine

This scenario has two render modes: A "quick render" mode, which has no Z-buffering, and a "real render" mode, which includes Z-buffering and potentially shaders, but is quite slow.
The "quick render" mode is based on BuilderBoy's code in his rasterizer. I will be working out Z-buffering sometime in the very distant future :P
The "real render" mode is far from complete. Right now it merely assigns color based on distance from camera.

"quick" mode:
-Use the mouse to rotate
"real" mode:
-Use W,S,Q,E to rotate the CAMERA (note: it is possible while in quick render mode to accidentally rotate the camera in such a way that it cannot see the cube.)
-Use Arrow Keys to move the camera on the XY plane
The controls for the "real" mode are quite difficult, so I apologize for that.
Thanks again to BuilderBoy for his point projection code(It would have taken me months to figure out where mine had failed!)

9879 views / 29 in the last 7 days

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Tags: simulation with-source 3d rasterizer

This scenario is a member of: 3D

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3D seems to be taking the gallery by storm lately ;)


:D It has become a competition :P This was actually done save for the point projection code before I had finished my Realm of Battle scenario. Still can't believe I missed such a key part...


Incidentally, is it just me or do the keyboard controls not seem to work?
How do you switch to 'real render' mode? And your welcome for the code! (its cool being the guy who started the 3D mania!) Now i need to work on my face rendering algorithm


Real render and Quick render are toggled between by pressing "p" and "r" The keyboard controls are only for real render mode. The preset is quick render. Even when you do go to the real render though, the keyboard controls will be laggy. Unfortunately, there really isn't anything I can do about this. The plan is to position the camera in quick mode and then render for real, with lighting & shading + textures(maybe). I also plan to make an editor with an exporter/importer that could work alongside Blender (I already have an import-export script that uses the data that this simulation works off)


Another 3d thing ! :D
Alright Zerg, your move!


It's a little hard to move. You might want to work on that.


no keyboard control are functioning, needs some work


The keyboard controls do work, but only in "real" mode (see the above comments for details.)

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