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Greenfoot back

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Best Game Ever

Player 1 controls:
up = up
down = down
left = left
right = right
space = fire

Player 2 controls:
w = up
s =down
a =left
d= right
x = fire

5959 views / 16 in the last 7 days

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Nice start to this one! Few suggestions for improvement if you're looking to take this further: - The JOptionPane class is a nice one to use once in a while, but it feels slightly overused here! Perhaps build the character / world selection and the game over message into the world instead? - Animated characters are always good ;) - Rather than being able to walk anywhere on screen, would it not be better if you gave each world a different series of platforms, and then the characters had to jump between them whilst aiming and firing at the other? - Something to keep track of player's scores would be nice too :) - Networking? No, that's mean, ignore that one :P Good start though, keep going!

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