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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jun 19 07:10:06 UTC 2012
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jun 19 10:56:33 UTC 2012 added help pages.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jun 19 10:58:45 UTC 2012
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jun 19 10:59:55 UTC 2012 oops removed source code. published again now.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jun 20 07:03:48 UTC 2012 added pause page


options coming soon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jun 25 06:19:03 UTC 2012 added new ending pages but scores are not perfectly shown yet and options page isnt doing anything as there is no sound in the game yet.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 28 00:39:52 UTC 2012 fixed multiplayer not working and added lose and win menu's. Scores show properly and only gets added once (doesn't flood the memory)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 28 00:40:31 UTC 2012 fixed multiplayer not working and added lose and win menu's. Scores show properly and only gets added once (doesn't flood the memory)


Just wondering, why did you decide to use separate subclasses for all the walls instead of putting it all in the Wall class?It looks like you were about to do so, and then commented it all out. Great job by the way. Pretty indistinguishable from the original.


Oh yer i tried to do it but when i did for some reason the ghosts and pacman kept spazzing out at the turning points. In other words the checks for if its able to move has changed. I think i know why its doing that and was gonna change it back, but havnt gone around to that. Ill do it tomorrow, should work if i figured it out correct. and thx. :)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jul 01 00:18:18 UTC 2012


GregC246, iv added the code that i used in the world and wall actors so now they work with one wall class. Go ahead and comment out the uneccesary bits in the worlds and uncomment the code that i have there and take a look what happens. I tried making the pictures of the walls solid black background but it still doesnt fix it. If you know how to fix this problem then please tell me.


Cool, I'll check it out.


Here you go: I'm pretty sure the spazzing was due to the fact that you actually turned the walls instead of just the images, so I made them rotate your images instead. (Look in SinglePlayer and Wall). I also overhauled your ghosts, and put all of their code into the Ghost class instead of the same thing in five different classes. I added a few methods to support this in Ghost-ghostOnFrame(), getExitCounterTime(), and getGhostSubimage(), which you should probably look at. I also added the ghostID variable, which keeps track of which type of ghost the actor is. (The main reason you shouldn't copy/paste large amounts of code into multiple classes is that if you edit one, then you will have to edit all of them. With all the code in Ghost, you only have to change that code.) I left almost all the unused code still in there, but commented. You should delete it if you don't need it anymore. Let me know if you have any issues (there's a decent chance I screwed something up without realizing it).


Here you go: I'm pretty sure the spazzing was due to the fact that you actually turned the walls instead of just the images, so I made them rotate your images instead. (Look in SinglePlayer and Wall). I also overhauled your ghosts, and put all of their code into the Ghost class instead of the same thing in five different classes. I added a few methods to support this in Ghost-ghostOnFrame(), getExitCounterTime(), and getGhostSubimage(), which you should probably look at. I also added the ghostID variable, which keeps track of which type of ghost the actor is. (The main reason you shouldn't copy/paste large amounts of code into multiple classes is that if you edit one, then you will have to edit all of them. With all the code in Ghost, you only have to change that code.) I left almost all the unused code still in there, but commented. You should delete it if you don't need it anymore. Let me know if you have any issues (there's a decent chance I screwed something up without realizing it).


Oops, double post...
Nice job. Turned out much better than mine.


k thx ill take a look at ur code.


wow so much change, so much i dont know about, so much difference... but its all the same! I got to try getting info from people like you instead of my teacher more :D.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jul 07 08:25:54 UTC 2012 Added scores and Life. Used GregC246's version of the wall coding.


Oh and i used GregC246's version of the world codings.