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MatheMagician presents ...


Cube Collision

Directions: Use the right and left arrow keys to move. Use the up and down keys to change your speed (however, this will also change how quickly your score adds up). The game keeps you from moving away from the blocks. Left Click the scoreboard to replay the game. Right click to set your score to 0.

The modern section features textured images. Sadly, the image drawer is rather slow, so you can not speed up. If you want to use my image while playing like in the screenshot, press space.

Please make any suggestions you have. I hope you enjoy playing.

27276 views / 41 in the last 7 days

24 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game 3d

This scenario is a member of: 3D, High Scores

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Sorry, about that. I didn't realize how carried away I got with them.


I love this game! good job with the smoothness for the original, I just have to ask, is the modern one laggy on purpose?
its fun but i think that you shuld make a front like a car so we know not just from the center of the screen but the point of the cr


No, Marioman111, it just takes a lot of cpu-power to make the textured sides. Thank you for the suggestion structured-gaming, but I don't want to detract from the simplicity of the game with something fancy and don't know how to make it otherwise.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Feb 22 14:40:45 UTC 2013
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Feb 25 01:23:50 UTC 2013 Added a green arrow.


Overall; this is a great a great game. I have only one issue, and maybe it's here on purpose but is there supposed to be a large gap with no cubes during random times?
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Feb 26 22:55:59 UTC 2013 Fixed the gap in original but left it in modern.


Its not really on purpose. There are only ever 1000 cubes in the game: when they reach the end of the world, they are put back at the beginning. I have fixed that in the original, but have left it in the modern version of the game. Also, if you like it, could you please click the like button?
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Feb 28 02:04:19 UTC 2013

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