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gusbus123 presents ...



Mastermind game. Created from a challenge given by my teacher, most pictures were used from screenshots of his demo. Settings will come soon.

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Tags: game physics

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found the problem. Ill reupload it once im back from school, doesnt allow me to do it here. The problem was that the counterID was returning as 0, so i needed to change the reference in the generation of the counters so it returns the given number.
well i can wait. got nothing better to do.


game still works but only the counter thats supposed to show the amount of pins in correct spot is replaced with another that shows what is in the wrong spot. More challenge i guess :) The upload will be in about 4-5 hrs.


oh and both counters only display 0 right now.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Sep 04 06:32:29 UTC 2012 fixed the counter problem


there shouldnt be any bugs left now. If there are then tell me. :)


only thing that is weird is when you have more than 5 pins the game is bigger than the given screen. Dno how to do that or even if there is a way to do that. If anyone knows how then please tell me :).


Upload the scenario while the biggest world is showing. My only thought is that with more pins, should not the user be allowed more guesses (as even 5 pins is almost impossible, as is)?


lol. I keep it as it is just cause its challenging. in the future i might add settings so u can change the amount of of guesses and amount of pins in it. It will have to wait till i have time tho, got to start and finish my ghost AI today, since its due tomoz, if i dont make it, well i dont get 150% for the greenfoot part of the assignment :P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 09 09:26:40 UTC 2012

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