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Click and hold to shoot, WASD to move. Please give me suggestions for improvment!

7387 views / 30 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game demo

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 04 17:15:04 UTC 2012 Made flaming effects with the fire gun!


Thank you all so much for making this on the popular scenario section!


The stobe light after killing the zombie doesn't end, you're just eternally imortal


I was just wondering, what program do you use to make textures?
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 21 00:54:02 UTC 2012 This is a brand new update. I have removed the darkness as it seemed to waste alot of data. Instead, I replaced it with achievements and a menu. You return to the menu after a set, which is 3 levels. I hope you enjoy the new update because i worked hard on it. It is still under heavy construction!


Bug: Level ends when there is still 1 enemy left on the screen. Bug: Ammo is only obtainable when using the rifle. Text: Achievement "Getting Armor" or whatever is given when ammo is picked up. Improvement Suggestion: I assume you have a BloodSpatter class or something. Instead of doing this, I would recommend drawing the red dots directly on the getWorld().getBackground() canvas. This way, when many blood spatters are in the world, it doesn't lag so badly.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Dec 28 01:11:42 UTC 2012 MAJOR UPDATE TIME!!! - new flashlight - moar achievements - new items - load/save method (offline) - gun images I haven't updated this in like 3 billion years so here you go. I think this kinda died off long ago. Anyways, if you press load, you get my awesome epic save that I played for literally 4 hours. So controls : Space to equip item Mouse to aim and shoot Up/down to scroll through achievements WASD to move F to turn off and on flashlight (no need though xD) I guess that's it. Oh and if you want to enjoy this game to its full extent, give me your email and I'll publish the source code and send you the font I used to make this game so you can have your own save offline and play with awesome text. Hope this project isn't too big.


Hey guys, check out my top down zombie shooter!
I love the dramatic music
It made me all like "THIS IS SPARTA"

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