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Greenfoot back

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marla presents ...



An incomplete yet fun version of what could
be a game but right now it is just fun to watch.
Edit the source to change the behavior a bit -
see the Scenario Information/Readme in
the source. Adjust the speed bar to make it
go faster or slower.

5852 views / 21 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: with-source bounce

This scenario is a member of: Art, Patterns and Music

open in greenfoot
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Do some colours attach more/only to some other colours? I ended up with only purple and yellow balls free...


Me too just with two reds


That is why it is useful to run the scenario over and over, and speed it up so it does not take so long to complete. Because the dots start out in a color-coded direction, and because the leader is one particular dot with one of seven possible orientations, it may or may not collect ALL of the dots, ever. If you simply MUST have all the dots join the line, you can pause the run, move the leftovers about a bit, and then continue and they are more likely to get picked up then. Sometimes the line is very straight, just back and forth or up and down with no turns at all. There are usually some dots that never get caught in that case.

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