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A Puzzle style game based off of Chips

I still need to add in a lot more.

Feel free to email me:

Version 0.5
Added Title Screen that has instructions on how to play.
Removed unused images and resized images, this fixed a lot of problems (thanks to Ninto)

Version 1.0
Added a few more actors (coins, a key that unlocks a door, tornados.
Added screens that made it a little more obvious that you had died and allow you to restart
Added a second level.

Still things that I'd wish to add to the game, but I think I will take what I have learnt from this as my first game to start a new game that's different (especially as I'm doing a game for my optional project on my BTEC course)

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Tags: game with-source

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Thanks Ninto! Resizing the images has fixed the block problem and also some problems with the monsters killing you when they were just next to you. I did't realise that the images were used for collision detection :/ Also a lot of people were requesting instructions so I added a title screen with how the objects work.


You welcome. :\


Nice game - only thing that seems a bit odd is that some of the enemies can hop over water, is this intentional?


There's a lot of things I still need to add, the monsters will eventually sink or drown in the water.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Mar 28 00:47:33 UTC 2009


Nice updates - I like the storyline and the collection of money!


Well, there's a way to cheat since your scenario isn't locked... but anyways, really nice game.


Sometimes not locking scenarios is nice though, it lets you skip through levels to have a look at things and see what happens if you win - not that I ever would... ahem... Though of course, locking does have its merits for the opposing reasons!


The hurricanes and the key wont disappear when you die...
It's a good game well done.

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