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spaceblue presents ...


Space Breakout

Breakout made from extending mik's basic scenario. Built on mjrb4's scenario which was built on mik's scenario
For quick play, just press level mode.
[E]xtension ? extends the paddle
[M]ultiball ? every balls splits in two, the second one inheriting the traits of the first one.
[P]rovision ? extra life
[R]educe ? shortens the paddle
[F]aster ? speeds up the balls
[N]ew ? new ball
[L]iberty ? creates a special ?liberty? ball.
[S]low ? slows the ball.
[G]ravity - creates a "gravity" ball
[B]last - creates a "blast" ball.
[T]oxic - creates a "toxic" ball.
[?] - Find it and look at the info.
Press space or left click to launch the ball.
Mouse and keyboard control accepted.
Shortcuts: P for Pause.
C for Next Level (though you lose your score)
To win, you just have to destroy the "normal" blocks.
aka, non-bomb/non-shooters/non-upgradeblocks
Have fun!
Update: In level mode, there are two sets of levels for each level. The level you will see is random. (For example, lvl2 has 2a and 2b. The selection is random)

16456 views / 22 in the last 7 days

18 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game breakout

This scenario is a member of: Scenario showcase, Space, Hard but Addicting Games

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 17 17:16:57 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 17 17:21:28 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 17 17:22:38 UTC 2009


Finally, an update! =)


The first time your enter 'Editor Mode' you'll get this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/GroupLayout$Group at Board.initEdit( at Selection.mouseEvent( at Selection.act( at greenfoot.core.Simulation.runOneLoop( at but after that you can just click 'run' and then continue the game!


And the same thing is happening when I enter 'Challenge Mode'.


It works fine for me! The updates seem great, really well done. The one thing I would say is that swing isn't the best thing to use with Greenfoot, it's far nicer if everything's just there in the same applet window (it looks better and avoids confusion.) I love the star animation too!


This is an impressive game space blue, your skills as a game programmer have proven to be spectacular pertaining to you tetris and breakout games i have seen so far. I would like to present myself to you, i am part of the a team Wylde Arts dedicated to making online games in java and flash, currently i have one simple game so far there but i am working on more using greenfoot. I am the webmaster and in charge currently of the site and we have taken the decision to recruit skilled staff members in creating games, so my request from you is to join our team and host your java games on our site where you will be given full credit for all your work and anything you wish, my presonal email is: just send me a message telling me that you are spaceblue and will talk in the details, in addition, if you have other means for contacting please tell me, if you dont like to join the team please reply to this post and tell me here so that i start looking for another skilled Java programmer, keep up the good work, Good luck ;)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 24 20:57:49 UTC 2009


Great game. I like the editor mode.

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