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MatheMagician presents ...



It is still buggy, but is certainly an improvement over the previous one. Open it in Greenfoot and place blocks in different locations. Press run and see what happens!

Known bugs include cubes occasionally attaching themselves to each other.

If you see a bug, please describe under what circumstances it occurs so I that I can fix it.

2409 views / 18 in the last 7 days

Tags: physics demo with-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 07 17:06:27 UTC 2012 Fixed the bug:)


@MatheMagician I understand, sometimes I write something and later read it back and think 'shit, autocorrect!!!' ;)


The boxes seem a bit twitchy.


Yes, Spilli, they are a tad "twitchy" when they have hit the ground. Again, though, this is an easy fix.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 07 20:27:09 UTC 2012 Less twitchy.


If you place a box on a corner ov another one, it keeps spinning and does not fall


Yes Jrlowe, there are some bugs with boxes where the corners hit. I am not too worried about it though, since boxes can't intersect in real life. I might do something to stop the boxes from hitting like that though.


Also, I suggest creating an offset according to the angle the box hits the ground. For example, if the box is at a 45 degrees angle, it should be slightly above the ground than if it hits the ground at a 90 degrees angle.


Im just curious, but how old are you and what grade are you in because this stuff requires serious math that i have no clue about.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 16 12:37:52 UTC 2013 Made some improvements

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