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jrlowe presents ...


A Wombat Adventure

This is my first Greenfoot game. It took about a month, working on it every so often, and used it for a school final project. Drop a comment, and please vote!

6032 views / 26 in the last 7 days

9 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game simulation physics demo uaslp jump platform korea wombat

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@quando04 I will!


The hearts don't do anything right now in case anybody thinks they don't work. I commented out the code for some reason. I will update soon.


This game... There is so much a mere minion like me could learn... If only there was code.. The code my friend. I MUST HAVE THE CODE!!


@Minion1 In my update 2 I released the source code.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Nov 09 17:08:53 UTC 2012 Added source code.


I like it. Very smooth although it crashed at one point:)


well done! There is another platform game you could refer to:
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Dec 10 03:50:15 UTC 2012 Title menu music score level switch(rocket) 2nd level test
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Dec 14 02:35:12 UTC 2012 Added particles : water lava Added level2 and 3 Added a few small things like a sign at the beginnng health works!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Dec 14 03:23:20 UTC 2012 Added particles : water lava Added level2 and 3 Added a few small things like a sign at the beginnng health works! gameover screen

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