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Knight tour

This is a project of my students at ITESM - Campus Puebla in México.
The simulation is based on the Euler's Algorithm. The knight should move over the 64 positions in a chess board without visiting a square more than once. You can initialize the game in any row and column. Turn on your computer's sound to hear the horse ready to make it's movements.

4347 views / 10 in the last 7 days

3 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: simulation chess algorithms

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 11 21:49:58 UTC 2012 New sound added to each Knight's move


Spectacular! Would you mind sharing the code? I would love to see the algorithm that you used to solve it.


Me gusto mucho.


You can find the Algorithm in any serious computer programming book.

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