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Balloons for Android

This is the basic greenfoot game converted to android! The point of this is to demonstrate some of the differences between android and Greenfoot. To access it in eclipse, download the scenario and look in the project folder. You will see a folder labeled "Balloons." In eclipse, create a new android project. Click "create from existing source" or "create from existing sample" and select the Balloons folder as the existing source. It was programmed for Android 2.2 or API 8. The code still isn't as streamlined as I would like it, and it has few comments, but I will fix that in future updates. If you have trouble understanding this code, upupzealot created a library for android that makes it easier for converting greenfoot to android, available at this link: If you want to use my code but do not already have eclipse and the android sdk, they are available here:

If you have any questions about downloading the code or about it specificly, feel free to ask.

9100 views / 25 in the last 7 days

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Tags: mouse game simulation with-source

This scenario is a member of: Android

open in greenfoot

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Yes, it works on others, but you'll have to change the 'target' of the APK file. You do this by changing the project description file.


What is the best way to do this with my own scenario's? Really, i downloaded it all, but it just doesn't get to load. Could one write a simple tutorial?


@groengeel, you do not have to change the target, android operating systems run all apps designed for that version or for any version older than these. For example, I designed this around 2.2, but it will run on my nexus 7, which runs jellybean (4.1/4.2). As for your other question, android coding is quite different from Greenfoot coding. It all runs java, but the methods are different. I am thinking about doing a tutorial to show some of the major differences like you suggested, but there may be a couple other options in the near future (they are mentioned in this discussion:


Would you introduce my Greenfoot4Android? For it's very like Greenfoot. As you are my first user, you may share your experience with others.


I would happily share it, though how do you recommend I do that?


Just write something about how to use it. From downloading Eclipse or dropbox to how to do the convert. You know, the first step out from Greenfoot could be tough to new learners.


a few more words after once you have downloaded ADK successfully ....


After a few complications, I made eclipse to make an apk file and installed it on two Galaxy S2 devices with android version 2.3 and 4.0.4. and it works without problems. Great job.


I am glad you got it to work erdelf!


Sir how to Convert greenfoot games to apk?

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maikocharles erdelf Upupzealot paulmartin42 -nic-