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Freezersting presents ...



>>The Objective<<
The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. A point is scored when a yellow ring is collected. The game is over when you run into a blue obstacle.
The game is interesting because rather than just blind skill, the player will be forced to wait and think about when the best time is to move.

Four points give you one powerup.
Powerups do one out of 3 different things
Purple powerup - Stops time
Green powerup - Makes the orb invulnerable
Orange powerup - Destroys three obstacles

Up arrow - Move up
Down arrow - Move down
Left arrow - Move left
Right arrow - Move left

>>Special thanks<<
Programming Help: Mr. Hayes, Adrian Wan, Moodle Community, Greenfoot Tutorials
Artwork and graphics: Photoshop CS3 By me

Programmer -- Ernest Lim


6186 views / 26 in the last 7 days

7 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game aspirin

This scenario is a member of: CIS-May-2009

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Graphics - EPIC, also heard your name "FreezerSting" from PlanetRenders and DeviantArt and you make really good digital artwork. Gameplay - Fast-paced and addictive, one of those games that are all-time favourites. The "glow" animation and background is a great touch to the game. Programming - No glitches, smooth and each aspect fits together extremely well. Aesthetics - Not much that can be improved, the game is pretty much self-explanatory. Other Suggestions - Maybe sounds? Makes the game more fully presented. MAKE MORE POWER UPS and perhaps levels. GL


Very nice pulsating effect! How about gradual speed up / slow down to make it look a bit smoother?


plain and simple. easy on the eyes. i like :D


Thanks for all the commenst everyone!! Especially for the suggestions, i will consider more powerups as they were actually REALLY fun to make
Its very nice :) Very good gameplay, simplistic but extremely effective concept.


haha i really love this game. i play it whenever i'm bored.


a suggestion may be to scale it down a tad bit, it doesnt fully fit on my screen D:


Gamegasm. Very nice scenario. I can't think of anything to add.


: D thanks guys LOL Cool that you guys actually play it for fun


There's two things I'd suggest changing: - It doesn't fit on my laptop screen (height wise) which generally means it won't fit on a lot of laptop screens - what about reducing the height a bit so that it does? - Sometimes the blue arrows appear right on top of you which kills you instantly. What about checking before you add them to make sure that they're not on top of you? Good game though :) Michael

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