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Softbody Physics

This is a rewrite of another scenario (
- Much clearer code
- Various improvements/fixes
- Easier to customize/extend

3932 views / 14 in the last 7 days

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Tags: mouse game simulation physics demo with-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jan 02 01:11:21 UTC 2013
You should add some more objects or features, that way it's not just a direct copy of mine. I do like the code though! The original was written a long time ago when I was not nearly as experienced as I am now, and it's nice to see the idea still getting some attention. Great job!


That's the plan - I just wanted to get a base out first from which to work on.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jan 02 11:22:52 UTC 2013 Another complete rewrite. Now it is much easier to extend it to create new shapes!


The update I just did features such a major rewrite that it's not really a direct copy. Also, the reason I rewrote it (not just to copy your work) is because, though your scenario is in the reusable/support actors collection I found the code pretty obfuscated.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jan 02 11:53:24 UTC 2013 More shapes! To change to a new shape, press reset
Indeed, it wasn't ever my intention to make it re-usable, nor my idea to put it into that collection. Liking the new updates!

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