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Greenfoot back

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This was not originally made by me.
It in its original form is available at:

The original is from 2008, and the author hasn't been active on Greenfoot in years.
It is a nice scenario, however if you download it, the source code is very sloppy.
The difference in this scenario is that I've rewritten the code so that it's more understandable.
Visually, though, you won't really see a difference.

If you're curious, the original source code is here:

To get my new, cleaner code (with more comments), you can download this scenario.

Once more, let me just say that _I didn't come up with the idea for this_. I've just done a rewrite.

3698 views / 28 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game simulation physics demo with-source 3d terrain

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is there more than this pice terain?

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