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bmmcgraw16 presents ...


Sheep Herder

The sheep run away from your mouse when you left click, use this to get them into the pen. If you get them in the pen you get 1 point but if they go off the screen you loose a point.

2355 views / 11 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game sheep herder

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Feel free to leave any bug complaints or features you would like to see in a future update.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jan 26 00:33:07 UTC 2013 *Added a menu screen *Fixed bug with score *Added a try again feature


Funny idea :) Things you could improve if you like. - You keep your score when you click the reset button. - Sheeps sometimes spawn at the edge of the screen or over the tent. - The counter is a green foot at the beginning.

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