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jeffcis presents ...


Onscreen Drum Kit

Here are what each square represents and the controls:

Color - Drum Component - Key

Red - First Crash - Q
Orange - Second Crash - W
Light Orange - First Ride - Y
Yellow - Second Ride - U
Green - Closed Hi-hat - E, R
Light Green - Opened Hi-Hat - T

Light Blue - Snare - S, D
Blue - First Tom - F, G
Dark Blue - Second Tom - H, J
Purplish Blue - Third Tom - K, L
Purple - Floor Tom - ; , '

Grey - First Bass - Z
Light Grey - Second Bass - X

You're probably thinking this game's so easy to code that it took me a day to do all the work, but it actually took me a long time. The whole process was so frustrating that I kind of stopped towards the end - I was supposed to add a legend which can be toggled on and off but I didn't really get around to doing that. Anyway, enjoy!

Programmed by Jeffrey Yeung

5916 views / 21 in the last 7 days

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This scenario is a member of: CIS-May-2009, Art, Patterns and Music

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 21 15:51:03 UTC 2009
yo man dis is rely nice and works welll! rely impressssed. (i liek spamming games) i think ur next release should focus more on graphics maybe? lookin gud lookin gud



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