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platoso presents ...


Journey To Planet Y

PROJECT TITLE: Journey to Planet Y

PURPOSE OF PROJECT: To learn more about java and coding. This will also provide 90 minutes of
enjoyment for little kids who like Sci-fi things.

VERSION: Version 1.1

HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Simply press Compile All on the bottom right hand corner, then
press Run which is on the bottom left, in between the Act and Reset buttons. Read the
instructions on the beginning scene, then press Start and begin your journey!

AUTHOR(S): Plato So

USER INSTRUCTIONS: This is on the beginning page of the game.

LAST CHANGES: Documented everything (finally). Changed the removish and removishh methods to

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 3 scenarios I must talk about: Poul Henrikson's scrolling world scenario;
asteroid scenario in the Greenfoot book; bobworld by Mark Hayes. Also loads of help from Adrian
Wan and Jeffrey Chang. Thanks.

3600 views / 13 in the last 7 days

Tags: space

This scenario is a member of: CIS-May-2009

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i like the game over screen :D


ahah ! you should use a PNG image format for the game over screen (i think it was not)


Pretty nice =). One thing i think you could work on is the collision detection. Currently, my spaceship doesn't seem to be touching anything, and other objects still "hit" it from a distance away. I'm assuming you're using the "getIntersectingObjects()" method or something similar, which uses the bounding box around an image, which means that if part of the image is transparent, the collision may be a bit unreasonable. I like to use the "getOneObjectAtOffset", since it shows if that point you choose intersects a character.


Nice game - though there's a bug with the game over bit. If your life goes to less than 0 without reaching 0 first then you just keep going forever! I'd guess you've probably used a test as to whether life==0 as to whether the game is over, if you chance this to life<=0, you'll guard against that problem.

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