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Insect War

You are the leader of the red team. Your goal is to destroy the other team(s).

Send out Ants/Bugs/Special Bugs/Butterflies with 1/2/3/4 or by clicking on the buttons in the bottom left corner.

Ant (Cost: 20)
Health: Low
Damage: High
Speed: Fast
Range of vision: Low
Special: Attacks everything in range.

Bug (Cost: 40)
Health: High
Damage: Low
Speed: Slow
Range of vision: High

Special Bug (Cost: 300)
Health: Very high
Damage: None
Speed: Very slow
Range of vision: Very High
Special: Creates ants/bugs if not attacked. Can not defend itself when attacked.

Butterfly (Cost: 80)
Health: Very low
Damage: Low
Speed: Slow
Range of vision: Very low
Special: Nearby friendly units cause more damage

Enjoy playing and leave comments :)

8948 views / 40 in the last 7 days

14 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game strategy ant war bug insect fog

This scenario is a member of: UNiTy iN NeEd

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Sep 22 17:52:58 UTC 2014 Just some small bug fixes, nothing special.


This is just off the top of my head, but I'd think implementing a timer then setting each bug type to only spawn so many within so many seconds. To keep it interesting, I'd try to have that number increase with the total amount of time that has passed in the game or make it relative to the total number of bugs the player has spawned into the world. For example: Ant can only spawn 5 every 3 seconds. Lady Bug can only spawn 1 every 5 seconds. Special Bug can only spawn 1 every 60 seconds, but only after 20 Lady Bugs have spawned. Butterfly can only spawn 3 every 60 seconds, but only after 50 Ants have spawned. Then every 120 seconds (or whatever) increase how many can spawn within those time frames.


This is an interesting idea, thank you!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Sep 24 13:47:26 UTC 2014 - added Sn3aKyGuY's suggestions I just won on the 2-player-map, so it is possible again :D I didn't implement that the number of enemies will increase after a certain time. I will do it when it will get too easy some day ^^ - increased the money which you get for a kill: butterfly: was 10, now 30 (I think I forgot to change it after copying from the ant :S) special bug: was 100, now 120 - I think I know what the negative money bug caused... Should be fixed now!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Sep 24 13:56:32 UTC 2014 Fixed a bug which I created in the last update...
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 02 08:52:38 UTC 2014 Bug: - costs reduced by 20%. (Price now 40) Special Bug: - costs reduced by 14%. (Price now 300) - life increased by 67% - speed decreased by 50% Butterfly: - costs reduced by 20%. (Price now 80) - life increased by 20%
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2015-07-15 17:53:14 UTC Found and fixed a bug with the cheat input.


Can i copy your codes on this game?


I don't like it being copied, but if you want to create a game like this and have problems with any part, feel free to ask.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2017-12-19 21:30:05 UTC Update for HTML 5

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