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2D Minecraft-v2

Not done yet

This uses principles of Game/Maniac terrain genaration yet it uses singular cells rather than 16 and is smoother yet needs work on layering

3 layer ore spawning (not yet randomized)

Sun/moon dictates day/night cycle (buggy sometimes goes backward??)

You can break blocks by pressing the left mouse button

Most of the graphics are Game/Maniac's so credit to him I will be doing my own at some point.

More content coming soon


a + d to move space to jump

not yet done so you can fly and move really fast

6339 views / 32 in the last 7 days

4 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game simulation physics terrain gravity arrow keys minecraft cell

This scenario is a member of: Minecraft-like Games

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Change the pixel size to 8 instead of 16 this should help if you add blocks like half slabs and would stop the player from floating inside the ground.


the blocks are 1 cell big


"Change the pixel size to 8 instead of 16 this should help if you add blocks like half slabs and would stop the player from floating inside the ground." when I said pixel I meant cell. super(width, height, cell size);


oh okay
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Mar 14 18:12:49 UTC 2013 Better jumping code Thanks game/maniac Hotbar purely visual at the moment Better world gen


Can I use your canSee() method




When you grab some 'sand', it first says you have 0 of it, then 1, then 2, etc. Just add one to the value to display. And this truely shows potential! I hope you're still working on this to turn this into a full game.


Also, when restarting, it doesn't load anymore. I looked at your code and this what I think is the problem: In your method generate (in your Bg class), you call the method height at some point. Only, in height you also call generate, causing a forever loop of calling methods, which eventually causes the stack (some part of the memory, where also the data of methods is stored) to overflow.


Thanks, Rudy for the like I might later on finish this but im busy with other projects atm, but thanks SPower

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Riovanni Rudy SPower Game/maniac