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Comments for PiggyMan=)

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Mar 15 17:27:11 UTC 2013


A tad confused on the butt gorging. xD
..thank you for the likes po..^^


@diane, first work on fixing the glitches (those things that happen that you do not want to happen). Getting the piggy to go through the tunnel; not having the piggy hang up on some of the turns; not having the piggy pick miss the dots that are passed over; giving the ghosts better movement; things like that.
..ahh~ok..i'll fix it next time..hehe..i also noticed that the pig is not eationg from its mouth..hahahah^^


I thought that it was intentional that the pig was not eating from the mouth. lol


That made me laugh. ^^ xD too..i didn't notice that the pig is not eating from its mouth because i made this game at midnight..and im already too sleepy..hehhe..and i just found it out when you commented..hahhaha
..@draymothisk..thank you!
@game/maniac...thank you!!^^