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This is not a game, is a high school trigonometric linear interpolation teaching for the teacher to use.I found that the act () to here become barriers to write programs, each actor must be to prevent it from Repeat.Code written in a mess, is not disclosed because it is difficult to understand, the next program I will remember the lessons, write better.
The upper left corner [R] labeled random number, the bottom of the default six questions, the teacher can use to modify the text file. Be found in the table on the right to pull into the left box, press the PLAY button to the left of the triangle, the next step can be encountered box appears necessary to drag the correct figures into it, if you drag the wrong number go, the final answer will be error, However, the program does not suggest that this part of the description by the school teachers, so it can be done wrong demonstration.

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Tags: simulation

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Apr 01 06:10:01 UTC 2013 編譯完成後,不能執行,把讀取外部檔案的程式碼刪除才能執行?所以現在沒有預設題目可用。很奇怪,再繼續研究。 Can not be performed after the completion of the compiler, the code to read an external file delete to perform? So now there is no default title available. It is strange, and then continue to study.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 02 02:08:05 UTC 2013 讀取外部文字檔案還是失敗,暫時將文字資料內建在程式中。 Read external text file or failure, and text data temporarily built-in program.


A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Apr 06 08:03:57 UTC 2013 增加8頁說明 8 additional help page

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