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Please note that the bulk of this game is not yet done. This is primarily to show the scenario to a few others, in case people wish to work on it themselves. I will be completing it myself at some point, but I am really busy IRL currently, and so I don't have the time to do this game justice.

Stop reading this description for a moment, and go read the story (accessible from the main menu). Once you've done that, come back here.

*Waits for you to return*

Ah! You're back. I hope the story made sense. Now, here's the thing: I haven't actually done the journey to the source yet / the puzzles / different types of enemy. I have, however, put in an example player and a few test enemies so that you can play around testing the spells. Bear in mind that I haven't done the player or enemy images yet, so I've simply put in some placeholder ones (The enemies are just shown as red faces, and the player is just a basic wizard, and instead of different images for facing north/south/east/west, I've just put an arrow on top of the player to show which direction they're facing in). Alright, here's lists of what's done so far, and what's left to be done:

- Menu
- Story
- Controls info
- Spells info
- The 5min timer
- Scrolling
- HP/Mana bars
- Spells bar
- "Incinerate" spell
- "Splash" spell
- "Sparks" spell
- Pausing (using the Greenfoot pause button - It shows a pauses screen and the timer gets stopped until you press resume)
- Basic enemy logic
- Enemy HP bars

- "Ice Blast" spell (it freezes the enemies but doesn't have any visual animation yet)

- "Heal" spell
- "Invisibility" spell
- "Spikes" spell
- "Whirlwind" spell
- The journey to the source. I need to map out puzzle/enemy ideas, and then actually code it.

Feel free to play around with the test enemies I've spawned to see the spells working.

If you download the code and have questions about any part of it, ask them in the comments section and I'll answer them.

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Tags: mouse game simulation physics demo with-source

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Can't wait to see more!


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