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Graphicless Breakout

This is a cool Breakout Game with code drawn graphics! Please comment with any suggestion you have for the game

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This scenario is a member of: Breakout

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Managed to hit the ball in time, once I clear the level, the ball doesn't follow direction, it resets towards bottom right again, and I can't get there in time..
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Apr 21 02:11:19 UTC 2013 Fixed another level bug
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Apr 21 02:12:24 UTC 2013 Try it now


Nope, still there, when I hit level 2 this time, ball sped up crazy fast towards bottom right..
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Apr 21 02:15:46 UTC 2013 Fixed level two being impossible


Couldn't see your code, but why not try to give the tail of the ball(those black bricks followed the ball) a transparency fade out? I thought that could be better.


I was actually just last night thinking of that
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Apr 21 17:31:37 UTC 2013 I added transperency upon @Upupzealot's request


To make the paddle change the ball angle, change the act to this: public void act() { Actor paddle; Trail trail = new Trail(); getWorld().addObject(trail, getX(), getY()); setLocation(getX() + xSpeed, getY() + ySpeed); if(getY() > 398) getWorld().removeObject(this); else if((paddle = getOneIntersectingObject(Paddle.class)) != null) { xSpeed = xSpeed + (getX() - paddle.getX())/10; ySpeed = (ySpeed - ySpeed * 2); } else if(getX() > 398) xSpeed = -xSpeed; else if(getX() < 2) xSpeed = -xSpeed; else if(getY() < 2) ySpeed = -ySpeed; else if(getOneIntersectingObject(Brick.class) != null) ySpeed = (ySpeed - ySpeed * 2); }
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Apr 22 00:22:26 UTC 2013 Added what @frogcm said

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