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I've been working on this for a while. It is not finished, but I haven't done anything with it recently so I decided to add it now. WASD to move. Click on a block to break it (if possible), click on empty space while selecting a block to place it. Numbers 1-9 select items. Click on items in your hotbar to put them into the crafting area (which is just 2 squares, therefore recipes are simplified). IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Fire and lava will kill you. Duh. 2. To open a chest, SHIFT-CLICK! Otherwise you will break the chest and destroy its contents! (or maybe throw an error, I haven't tried) 3. When you open a chest, click on items to transfer them back and forth. Press "e" to close it. 4. Tools do have durability...even when you try to break something that you can't. 5. There is a stacking bug where items will go into earlier slots even if they could stack in later slots. Sorry! 6. Your inventory is only your hotbar. 7. There is no gravity; it is not vertical. The world generation just makes it look that way. 8. If I omitted something in the description (and I'm sure I did), just leave a comment and I'll add it. Enjoy the game!
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