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chanduu presents ...



Press any key or left click on the screen to start the game...

This is a Time Pressure Game in which the player has to score as many points as he can.
The gameplay duration is about 3 minutes.

Mouse Controls:
Click on any diamond to select that diamond and
click on any adjecent diamond to swap each other (This is to score points).

If clicked on any other diamond the the diamond
which is selected will be deselected (This is to deselect the diamond).

Note that the swapping happens only if the swap result in a diamond triplet or more
Otherwise there will be no swapping even we try to click on the other diamond

4073 views / 9 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jul 24 22:06:26 UTC 2009


Good reincarnation of the game, the switching of the jewels are a bit choppy, maybe you could put in a bit more animation into that, but it was a great game
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jul 24 22:31:56 UTC 2009


@vaiobands Thanks, I'll update the game with more features as soon as possible.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jul 24 23:08:20 UTC 2009


Nice! Some smooth animation would be good, but overall it's nicely done. 3520 here :-)

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