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Typing speed

Test your typing speed! You must type the entire paragraph below perfectly and the scenario will stop and display your speed. While you are typing it will display the time in seconds.

3999 views / 18 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game demo with-source typing

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jun 04 17:35:12 UTC 2013 Added a scoreboard.


Can I suggest a couple changes? I did a rewrite of the Typing class: Mostly it's just making the code prettier, but there's also a couple "proper" changes: - Fixes a crash when backspace is pressed (if you press it before typing anything) - Changes weird behaviour with spacebar handling I also didn't understand your typing speed calculation, so I changed it to the "normal" one: wpm (words per minute). But yeah, I just wanted to make a suggestion and fix the crash.


Oops, sorry I did not see this earlier. Thanks for the suggestions! I was bored one day and couldn't think of anything else. I Forgot about it afterwords. Anyway, I will try to fix it soon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 27 18:50:58 UTC 2013 Fixed backspace bug.


Fixed the backspace bug: the speed calculation is not made until the end. While you are typing, it only shows you the time.

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