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brcoelho presents ...


Pong v1.1

Press enter to hit the ball.(hit enter BEFORE the ball hits the paddle).
Put the mouse cursor in the ball?s way, don?t pass the cursor over the ball cause it wont hit the ball.

And no...The AI is not invincible : ) he is just good ;-)

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Tags: mouse game

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Aug 03 04:47:30 UTC 2009


Nice idea, but the ball seems to travel straight through the paddle at the moment!


:) try holding down the enter key. if you wore holding it down, and the ball still passed throught the paddle, them its because you may be passing the paddle over the ball.U cant pass the paddle over the ball, because if you do, Greenfoot doesnt have time to change the direction that the ball is going... : / ^^ i holp i helped ; ).


Ah yus, it appears I was moving the paddle towards the ball when it hit it. If you do some calculations with the movement of the ball and the paddle you should still be able to make it hit it though - and why the holding down enter? Why not have it so the ball always bounces off the paddle? :-)


heahehaehah yea, the hold down enter, should be just pressing, so it looks like you had to move the hand 2 hit the ball ( like in a guitar you have to pick the string to play the note..)^^ hmm...yea, im gona give some thinking on making the paddle hit the ball, even if they are both moving ; ) .


The following worksheet may give you some ideas: it's not exactly your problem (the problem here is a bit more complicated because you've got two objects that may be moving instead of just one) but the principles are the same and you should be able to apply them here with a few tweaks :-)


hey guy, you know anyone tips and tricks to make Score panel to Pong game? The typical Scaore of this game!

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