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Greenfoot back

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MatheMagician presents ...



Arrow keys to move and mouse to shoot a "bomb." The green particles act as sand and will slide around. Graphics definitely need work (there is nothing to show an explosion), but it is still fun.

Earlier, I forgot to say this, but thank you very much to nccb. I used his random terrain generator from here: Eventually, I would like to use my own code, but that day has not yet come.

4100 views / 17 in the last 7 days

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Tags: mouse game simulation physics demo with-source

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jun 25 16:07:26 UTC 2013


This is really cool. Can you include the source please
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jun 27 01:04:41 UTC 2013


Why doesn't the sand slow the game down


Never mind I figured it out myself

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