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Greenfoot Full Screen Demo

This demo shows a Full Screen Mode for greenfoot projects.

Using this demo every greenfoot project can very easily be turned into a fullscreen project.

To create an own full screen greenfoot project just download this scenario, copy the neccessary classes and start programming.
The classes that are needed for a fullscreen scenario are: FullScreenWorld, FullScreenWindow, FullScreenBufferPanel, FullScreenMouseInfo, FullScreenKeyInfo, GreenfootMouseListener and GreenfootKeyListener.

The only changes you have to make in your scenario are that you can't use some greenfoot methods like Greenfoot.isKeyDown, Greenfoot.mouseClicked...
Instead of them you'll have to use FullScreenWindow.isKeyDown, FullScreenWindow.mouseClicked...
A full list of the changed methods is to be found in the discription of the class FullScreenWindow.

If you already have a greenfoot project you want to change into a full screen greenfoot project you don't need to change everything on your own but you can use my "Greenfoot FullScreen Rewriter" scenario which turns your existing greenfoot project into a full screen greenfoot project within a view mouseclicks.

To start a simple fullscreen game just click on the screen in the scenario window.
A fullscreenwindow will come up with a wombat you controll with the arrow keys to demonstrate the key support and a house to demonstrate the mouse support.
To switch back from the fullscreenwindow you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Tab.

I hope this demo can help you. If you got questions or suggestions for improvements please tell me.

9460 views / 34 in the last 7 days

11 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: demo with-source fullscreen

open in greenfoot

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Full screen doesn't like me :P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Aug 08 12:18:31 UTC 2013 Changed some new API methods. Now the fullscreen mode works for API 1.4.2 or higher.
You can't close the fullscreen window? Thats strange (again). Try to use the tast manager till I add a way for closing the window.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Aug 09 07:46:48 UTC 2013 Added popup buttons to hide and close the fullscreenwindow. Also deleted the final voids started and stoped.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Aug 09 15:55:30 UTC 2013 Bugfixes.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jan 05 15:17:27 UTC 2014 Added a funktion to keep the resolution of the game so that the world image doesn't look distorted. Also fixed some bugs.


Thnaks a lot, already thought of changin the "engine"


Interesting... I like it. :)


A very good idea as well as a fantastic way of expressing it in greenfoot. However as long as you can't upload this game to a jar file it's basically useless. Im trying to find a way for a pretty long time and I suppose that greenfoot just doesnt like me or fullscreen games ;)


Greenfoot now uses its own color class, so java.awt.color is causing numerous problems in the code. Also, what is this about not being able to be exported?

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