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Gevater_Tod4711 presents ...


Android Air Hockey

This game is an android version of my Air Hockey game.

Using Droidfoot I changed it into an android game.

In the source there is a folder called AirHockey which contains the eclipse project.

4930 views / 16 in the last 7 days

5 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source android

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 21 14:36:54 UTC 2013 Added apk file.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Oct 02 14:41:43 UTC 2013 Improved movement controll.


Hi there ! I'm student 2nd year in CS classes. I was looking for good tutorial about game programming for android devices and Greenfoot popped up. I've downloaded your project and translated it into Bulgarian and only increase the puck size (the black dot), but I'm unable to compile it into eclipse. If I send you the files (scenario in greenfoot? ) could you be so kind to compile and send me the .apk file?
If you send me an email with the project I'll try to help you. My email address is


Wow, after a minute I thought that it would be impossible to shoot a goal against the hard opponent, but a bit later, I just won 10:4. :)


i've sent the files to the mail

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