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Dont let the zombies get you! :o
Or let them get you and eat humans!

- When zombies (they so arent turtles!... im a programmer not an artist :x ) touch you, you have a few seconds untill you become a zombie!
- Eating food will make you feel better and stop you becoming a zombie :)
- Humans will shoot zombies... you should too! With spacebar!
- Planes will drop food
- Human npc's can also be infected and will also find food if they are.
- The aliens (not... sealions...) will cure zombie infections and turn zombies into humans! they have a small chance to drop from a plane.

4105 views / 14 in the last 7 days

Tags: game co320

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Groovy. What's the goal of the game?


Survive untill "mWorldTimer" reaches "mWorldTimeMax" ^.^ 5000ticks in the first level. Not sure how many ticks = 1second at 50 speed... will have to find out eventually. The game was just made as we were told to make a game similar to the crab game for the week's project... Zombies are lobsters and humans are the crabs ^^ Pizza = hamburgers/worms!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Oct 11 13:42:53 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Oct 11 16:32:32 UTC 2009


wow cooool!


I wouldn't worry about counting it out into seconds exactly, most of the time for game timers you want something based on pretend time anyway. One thing you might want to look at, I seem to be able to go forward, turn right and shoot at the same time, but not do the same thing whilst turning left?

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