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Abydoz presents ...


Bear Box Collision

Okok i admit.. i just thought bears flying around the screen was great but needed a reason to upload it!

Zombie! needed to be able to detect weather the object would hit something on its next move (before it moved) and also needed a collision box that rotated with the actors.

Now with source code.. dont laugh too much pl0x

4100 views / 18 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: simulation physics demo with-source

open in greenfoot

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Hi, Abydoz, this might be what I need for my Domino scenario. Would be great if you submit the source code, thanks in advance. : )
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Oct 12 15:18:11 UTC 2009


Added source code.. not the best way of doing things but im new to java and dont yet know a better way! Would be very interested in any improvements anyones makes!


Nice =)

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