yeah, the thing causing most lag is my super inefficient unit collision thing but theres really no way around that :/
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Nov 15 03:13:32 UTC 2013
*changed unit collision a bit(absolutely no improvement on lag)
*fixed some minor buggs with scrolling world(got rid of some magic numbers along the way)
*changed background and some art
How are you checking the collision? You could post a new discussion with. It would be worth a shot.
Anyway, I really like the scenario, and it is not very laggy for me.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Nov 16 02:46:09 UTC 2013
* at the cost of movement percision, tanks no longer spin.
(bug fix sorta?)
*added rocks to teh game(can push other but cant be pushed)
Thanks for liking the scenario. But i feel to solve the lag caused from the collision will require rewriting the entire collision code Dx. The way it works now is through a loop, more it loops the more smooth the collision(its currently set to loop 8 times but every loop there is a nested loop which checks all the Moveable objects (somewhere around 150 objects at a time) ... so yeah).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Nov 16 23:52:11 UTC 2013
* bugs no longer pick a destination that is outside of the world's max boundiery.(bug fix)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 17 04:24:06 UTC 2013
*changed art around
*cleaned up code(got rid of a bunch of instanceof code)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Nov 28 00:28:54 UTC 2013
*tanks leave trail behind
*double click to select all units of the same type