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Scenarios tagged: art

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play Kunst-Detektiv
plays 298 / votes 0


by xenox, 2025/2/13

Unterscheide zwichen KI-generierten und echten Gemälden

play Random Geometric Art Generator
plays 921 / votes 0

Random Geometric Art Generator

by BenZim, 2023/12/4

Create animated art

play Greenfoot Paint
plays 1533 / votes 0

Greenfoot Paint

by 19598, 2020/12/16

Basic painting program

play Deaf Turtl
plays 1540 / votes 1

Deaf Turtl

by Gintunas, 2019/2/27

2D Adventure

play Two Sides Of Us
plays 4922 / votes 2

Two Sides Of Us

by Mygames19, 2012/6/13

How Long Can You Survive?

play Greenfoot4Android Demo
plays 10787 / votes 6

Greenfoot4Android Demo

by Upupzealot, 2012/11/16

a simple demo of scroll world