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Scenarios tagged: calculator

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play Advanced Calculator Project (WIP)
plays 1927 / votes 1

Advanced Calculator Project (WIP)

by 444Jam444, 2020/4/21

An advanced calculator with multiple functions

play CombinatorialCircuitEditor
plays 5634 / votes 10


by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/9/14

Build your own computer!

play Collatz Calculator
plays 6075 / votes 1

Collatz Calculator

by TheGoldenProof, 2018/4/12

Calculates the steps for the Collatz conjecture

play Collatz Grapher
plays 1776 / votes 0

Collatz Grapher

by TheGoldenProof, 2019/1/21

Graphs the number of steps each x takes in the Collatz conjecture (see "Collatz Calculator" scenario)

play CALC
plays 2639 / votes 1


by Nichodon, 2016/6/21

Another CALC...

play Calculator
plays 2816 / votes 0


by johnb, 2015/12/8

play CALC 2.0
plays 3805 / votes 0

CALC 2.0

by NikZ, 2014/7/14

Simple calculator named CALC

play Calculator with Objects
plays 2878 / votes 0

Calculator with Objects

by wybrasr, 2013/11/21

This is a simple calculator that uses objects in contrast to the drawn calculator.

play Drawn Calculator
plays 2653 / votes 0

Drawn Calculator

by wybrasr, 2013/11/19

This is a calculatorthat is drawn and uses the mouse for user input.