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Scenarios tagged: demo

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play Mario in 5 seconds
plays 517 / votes 1

Mario in 5 seconds

by Ethan.oberton, 2023/9/15

play Mediocre Mario Knockoff
plays 1092 / votes 0

Mediocre Mario Knockoff

by Legally_Bread, 2023/9/8

it's a meh knock off of mario

plays 873 / votes 1


by JosePL, 2023/9/7

play MyLittleMerhcant
plays 799 / votes 0


by Borislove, 2023/9/4


play Keep Alive(Demo)
plays 942 / votes 0

Keep Alive(Demo)

by JackVictor, 2023/7/13

A game made by a freshman in China

play Mario_KnockOff
plays 1245 / votes 1


by Legally_Bread, 2023/9/4

it's a shitty knock off of mario

play Catch the Apples!
plays 1078 / votes 1

Catch the Apples!

by Giganinchen, 2023/8/27

[Under Development] Catch the Apples with the basket!

play Game Beruang Madu
plays 1513 / votes 0

Game Beruang Madu

by MagungMahardhika, 2019/12/23

KEYBOARD CONTROL : [SPACE] Tembakan Depan [B] Tembakan Belakang [Panah Atas] Gerak atas [Panah Bawah] Gerak bawah

play SunnyLand DS v.1.0.0
plays 862 / votes 1

SunnyLand DS v.1.0.0

by DharmaSaputra, 2023/1/6

SunnyLand DS is a Adventure Puzzel Game