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Scenarios tagged: graph

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play Equation Grapher
plays 5160 / votes 7

Equation Grapher

by danpost, 2012/3/17

Equation grapher with entry mode

play Pendulum Demo
plays 4823 / votes 2

Pendulum Demo

by danpost, 2012/10/10

A demonstration of a pendulum in action.

play Radial Graphs
plays 3662 / votes 4

Radial Graphs

by danpost, 2012/12/6

Graphic representation of directions that can be taken by using 'setLocation' and 'move'.

play Grapher
plays 5452 / votes 0


by qnanqing, 2011/8/25

Some mathematical graph

play Collatz Grapher
plays 1783 / votes 0

Collatz Grapher

by TheGoldenProof, 2019/1/21

Graphs the number of steps each x takes in the Collatz conjecture (see "Collatz Calculator" scenario)

play Catenary vs. Parabola
plays 2760 / votes 0

Catenary vs. Parabola

by bourne, 2013/7/3

For a report illustration

play Newton's Method
plays 3127 / votes 1

Newton's Method

by joshbuhl, 2013/5/14

An implementation of Newton's Method for finding a root of a function.

play Das Haus vom Nikolaus (Graph theory)
plays 4672 / votes 0

Das Haus vom Nikolaus (Graph theory)

by trash1000, 2012/4/27

Simple scenario showcasing eulerian trails.

play Grapher
plays 3575 / votes 0


by Duta, 2012/3/4

Make and display graphs in Greenfoot!