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Scenarios tagged: math

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play Sierpinski Triangle
plays 5134 / votes 9

Sierpinski Triangle

by danpost, 2013/8/24

User altering of the Sierpinski Triangle. A math-constructed fractal image producer.

play 3D Cube Rendering
plays 1816 / votes 0

3D Cube Rendering

by TheGoldenProof, 2020/1/10

A spinning, zooming, 3D cube

play Grapher
plays 5484 / votes 0


by qnanqing, 2011/8/25

Some mathematical graph

play Collatz Calculator
plays 6164 / votes 1

Collatz Calculator

by TheGoldenProof, 2018/4/12

Calculates the steps for the Collatz conjecture

play Collatz Grapher
plays 1818 / votes 0

Collatz Grapher

by TheGoldenProof, 2019/1/21

Graphs the number of steps each x takes in the Collatz conjecture (see "Collatz Calculator" scenario)

play Mintegral
plays 1487 / votes 1


by Lisareichelson, 2018/12/14

Extra Credit for my math class:)

play Fractal Tree Maker
plays 2248 / votes 0

Fractal Tree Maker

by TheGoldenProof, 2018/8/15

Grow your own fractal tree where every branch is an exact replica of the entire tree!

play Almost a solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem
plays 2158 / votes 0

Almost a solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem

by TheGoldenProof, 2018/8/13

It Almost always finds the best path, but there are ways to trick it.

play Fractal Fun
plays 9942 / votes 18

Fractal Fun

by danpost, 2011/6/19

Explore the world of fractals. Save pictures of the images you like. Find and post the values for your 'gems'.