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Scenarios tagged: math

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play Euclidean algorithm
plays 1691 / votes 0

Euclidean algorithm

by pingfeng, 2017/10/24

decimal approximation

play Tri puzzla
plays 2269 / votes 0

Tri puzzla

by pingfeng, 2016/11/20

basic trigonometric

play Trigonometric Snake II adv
plays 2892 / votes 0

Trigonometric Snake II adv

by pingfeng, 2017/9/10

play Factor Snake
plays 2072 / votes 0

Factor Snake

by pingfeng, 2016/11/20

Find Factor

play Prime Factor Snake
plays 2786 / votes 0

Prime Factor Snake

by pingfeng, 2016/11/20

Prime Factor Snake

play Common Factor Snake
plays 2714 / votes 0

Common Factor Snake

by pingfeng, 2016/11/20

Common Factor Snake

play 3pen_教學版
plays 3055 / votes 0


by pingfeng, 2016/11/20

3 Pen Nim

play 3D Supershapes
plays 2224 / votes 1

3D Supershapes

by Zamoht, 2016/12/23

Dynamic supershape with sliders

play Trigonometric_教師DEMO密版
plays 2368 / votes 0


by pingfeng, 2016/11/20